Saturday, June 05, 2010

well now

So, Way back when, before blogging was the shizzie...I had a blog. Me and 5 folks where I worked entertained each other. Someone tattled, cuz we talked about the boss lady (just a lil), so down came the blog. I was sad at the time, because it was enjoyable to talk about stuff that people I know could relate to and see what people who had no idea who I was, see what they thought too. Sometimes I would be laughing with tears as I typed. It was great. Well, 5 years it seems have passed (yeah my last post was in 06).

I am gonna try to get back in the groove.

I have been unemployed for the last 2 1/2 years, enjoying being able to be home with the kid, etc, but really need to get back in the workforce...and having a bit of trouble getting there. So I will probably we rambling about that among other things.

Peace and chicken grease.


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